Image: Tingdene Lifestyle launch the Driverless Caravan
In an extraordinary development, Tingdene Lifestyle has released details of its latest Holiday Home
If you want to relocate your caravan, or you’re thinking about asking ‘can I move my static caravan?’ the world just changed around you. Announcing the world’s first driverless caravan Tingdene Lifestyle have made static caravan location easier than it’s ever been. ‘With people wanting to move their static caravans to our parks we wanted to introduce something that would alter the perception of a caravan moving service’ Tingdene Lifestyle’s Spokesperson - Benjamin Race said today. ‘You will be able to relocate your caravan to say, Lincolnshire, or Essex. From Mablethorpe to Redcar, moving a caravan will be so simple’.
Image: Tingdene Lifestyle launch the Driverless Caravan. Great shot of its maiden voyage, captured by drone in the East of England on the way to Tingdene Caldecott Hall Country Park
The new driverless caravans are programmed with details of their destination with technology borrowed from NASA. Tracked by satellite they simply set off on their own, arriving a few hours later. Doors are locked as, on trial runs, some people saw the opportunity for a free lift. That has been addressed.
Image: Tingdene Lifestyle launch the Driverless Caravan with technology borrowed from NASA which is tracked by satellite.
To date no caravans have been damaged. The new model went on sale at one minute past midnight, (00.01. 01/04/22). Known as the Tingdene Avril, it’s the first of its kind. When asked about the Avril’s carbon footprint the Tingdene spokesperson said ‘They are electric of course. What do you think this is? A joke?’
Image: Tingdene Lifestyle launch the Driverless Caravan which benefits from an Electric Power source, avoiding current high fuel price increases.