Everybody calm down. We’re not saying UK holiday homes are likely to be haunted. But, thinking about a UK Holiday Home, as Christmas draws near, it’s difficult not to do that ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘yet to come’ thing. Even if we strip away the ghosts and graveyards stuff the ‘Christmas Carol’ story does seem to have as much, if not more, timeless relevance this year.

Let us take you back to Christmas Past

Remember? The onslaught of holiday commercials, the time spent researching where to go, and the balancing of what you wanted to do with what the kids wanted to do. Then came the decoding of the terms and conditions. There was using the magnifying glass on the small print only to find that when you got there you still hadn’t seen it all because the all you can eat buffet breakfast didn’t apply. Not on the week you were there. There was knowing, from bitter previous experience, the stress of airports and travel that was to come. And then there was the unpredictability of actually arriving. The heat that sometimes got just too hot - or didn’t arrive at all.  The room that didn’t have quite the view you were expecting. It was all a bit scary.

Come with us now to meet Christmas Present

Or maybe, strictly speaking, last Christmas.  Call it dramatic licence. It was a chance to look back and realise that life had taken on new perspectives. Brexit, was disappearing from the headlines because the pandemic meant there were matters of real importance to deal with. Matters we’d never dealt with before. We were locked down, and suddenly longing for the holidays we now couldn’t have. We were actually longing for the holiday commercials because they weren’t there either. (Be honest you even missed the tactfully reined in big store sentimental Christmas commercials. Didn’t you?). The fact is though that life did feel different.  We felt different. With such big issues to consider and a feeling that our priorities needed adjusting we started looking at our holidays in a different light. It was all making us think.

It’s time to think about Christmas Yet to Come

If the pandemic had made us realise that we had issues that were bigger than Brexit, by late 2021 we had woken up to the realisation that we are facing the biggest challenge of all. Saving the planet. Now we have to think about the future in ways we’ve never thought about it before. We’d started thinking about how we behave towards each other. We’d become more conscious of how we manage our time. Now we realised that holiday time needed thinking about too.  From here on holiday time has to be well spent and spent with care. It really was all making us think.

This Christmas think about a Holiday Lodge in Suffolk

Your own uk holiday home is something that you could consider for the future. Something you should consider for the future. Caravans by the sea, a static caravan site pitch, a luxury lodge in Suffolk, these are the ideas to think about for the future of your holidays. This is the thinking that will make financial sense and lay the foundations for years of fun to come.

Ho Ho Ho time is a good time to think about Suffolk holiday homes by the sea

Planning ahead for holidays can change forever when you start thinking about Suffolk holiday homes, and stop thinking about holiday brochures websites and where to go this year. And next year. Suffolk, Essex, Lincolnshire - across the uk there are outstanding locations for holiday homes. Investing in your own staycation getaway is a great way to make the most of your savings and get the most from your  holidays. And you’re helping to combat climate change by cutting down the air miles.

Merry Christmas might mean a Holiday Home at Mablethorpe

Among the Christmas lights let your thoughts wander to Lincolnshire. Mablethorpe is one of the ideal locations for a UK holiday home. It’s typical of the places where you can have a holiday home on the beach and be close to countryside. It’s what UK holidays are all about, and holiday homes are all about the future. Your future.

So, the Christmas Carol story does  still have a resonance for us doesn’t it? 

None of you are Scrooges of course, and we’re quite certain that your Christmas won’t be interrupted by ghostly apparitions. But, as another extraordinary year comes to an end, it does seem appropriate to consider how things were, how they are, and how, we hope, they will be. How often in recent months have you said, or heard others say, that things we once thought important now seem so much less so? How often have you said or heard sentiments that now place family and friends at the top of our emotional checklists? And how often recently has the importance of protecting the planet been brought into focus for you? Christmas is the best time of all to consider these issues of course. It’s a time for families and friends. This year make it a time for thinking about how you’ll make more of a future for your family and friends.

Think about the holidays to come and how you’ll spend them; how you’ll make memories. Think about your financial future. (No - this is not a Scrooge moment!). Cash in bank accounts doesn’t generate the interest it once did. Unpredictability stalks our finances. (No - this isn’t a ghost moment!). Six months ago, switching suppliers was the way to go. Now that’s gone. An investment in your own uk holiday home makes more financial sense than ever.

Think about the planet. A UK holiday home is one of the greenest routes you can take to sustainable leisure time. But think about some fun too. Come on. It’s Christmas. It’s been a tough year. Again. Whatever you’re doing this holiday season we hope you have a happy and peaceful time. We wish you all the very best for 2022.

Christmas isn’t a season.. it’s a feeling! Tingdene Lifestyle also knows that Christmas means… home. So, whether you are at your home or your holiday home, we just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you and your family from all at Tingdene Lifestyle